Falling in love with Jesus

EPHESIANS 6:24 “Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.”

Ever notice how when it comes to going places for yourself you are so anxious to get there you arrive early? When was the last time you felt this way about church? Do you ever arrive at church early or are you always late? Do you find yourself making yourself go to church or read your Bible, or not even doing them at all?

We all remember those “honeymoon” periods in life when the newness of something has yet to have worn off. When we first become a Christian we tend to have a honeymoon period in which it seems like every day is a little brighter. You have a newness of life and it seems like everything is going your way. We all need to get back to that honeymoon period. We need to fall in love with Jesus all over again.

When a marriage is in trouble, counselors try to get the couple to get back to the basics. They want them to remember the reasons they got together in the first place. They may go on a few dates or just sit and talk. Any relationship in trouble can be helped by starting anew. Sometimes our relationship with Christ can get stale, and it is at this point we need to get back to square one and remember why we chose him as our Savior to begin with. Dock

What’s not to love about Jesus? He does not ask for your entire day, He just wants a portion of it. In fact there are many ways where you can incorporate him into the things you like to do or have to do. He is always there helping you out of jams and most of the time you are not even aware of it. He is available 24/7 – you will never get voicemail when you get on your knees and give him a call, and unlike anyone else He will let you do ALL the talking! Then there is the matter of Him dying on a cross to pay for your sins.

Some people “rededicate” their life to Christ. Typically this is a situation designated for someone who has fallen very far from their Christian roots. Rededication is like demolishing a house and rebuilding it because it cannot be salvaged. Most of us do not need to rededicate, we just need a little renovation, a little refreshing.

I would like to give you a challenge: write down your favorite Bible verses, whether you have two or twenty. Tonight, open your Bible and give thanks for another day and pray for clarity. Then find one of those verses and read the entire chapter the verse is in. Tomorrow do the same with another favorite verse and continue every day until you have looked up every one of your favorite verses.

Most likely what you will find are the roots of your faith. You will find the reasons you dedicated your life to Christ in the first place, and it will be the first step toward falling in love with Jesus all over again.

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